Investor relations

Investor relations


Board of Directors:

Alessandro Rosso: Chairman and CEO
Massimiliano Anguillesi: Dir. with powers of attorney
Luigi Gagliardi: Director
Renzo Torchiani: Director
Raffaella Pallavicini: Non-Executive Director
Stefano Pedrini: Non - Executive Director
Alessandro Scantamburlo: Director

Board of Statutory Auditors:

Marco Curti : Chairman of the board
Stefania Barsalini: standing auditor
Alessandro Maruffi : standing auditor
Calogero Caternuolo: alternate auditor
Giovanna Conca: alternate auditor

Supervisory body Organismo di Vigilianza pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001:

Roberto Beltrami

Curriculum Vitae Alessandro Rosso.pdf 495.52KB Download
Curriculum Vitae Massimiliano Anguillesi.pdf 501.53KB Download
Curriculum Vitae Luigi Gagliardi.pdf 152.54KB Download
Curriculum Vitae Renzo Torchiani.pdf 224.63KB Download
Curriculum Vitae Raffaella Pallavicini.pdf 339.24KB Download
Curriculum Vitae Stefano_Pedrini.pdf 323.47KB Download
Curriculum Vitae Alessandro Scantamburlo.pdf 519.83KB Download
Curriculum Vitae Marco Curti.pdf 156.83KB Download
Curriculum Vitae Stefania Barsalini.pdf 104.03KB Download
Curriculum Vitae Alessandro Maruffi.pdf 151.01KB Download
Curriculum Vitae Calogero Caternuolo.pdf 566.18KB Download
Curriculum Vitae Giovanna Conca.pdf 107.97KB Download
Curriculum Vitae Nicola Miglietta.pdf 439.15KB Download
Curriculum Vitae Giovanni Mandozzi.pdf 71.61KB Download
Curriculum Vitae Stefano Di Meo.pdf 119.03KB Download
TPS S.p.A. Statuto Sociale.pdf 310.92KB Download
TPS-RegolamentoAssembleare.pdf 82.51KB Download
TPS- ProceduraOperazioniconPartiCorrelate.pdf 326.52KB Download
TPS - Procedura trattamento Informazioni Privilegiate_Registro Insider.pdf 193.99KB Download
TPS-ProceduradiInternalDealing.pdf 135.61KB Download
TPS Group - Codice Etico_EN.pdf 383.80KB Download

T.P.S. S.p.A. prevents the risks resulting from liability pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001 through the ’adoption and’ effective implementation of a specific Organisational, Management and Control Model (“the Model”).
The Model is a document prepared by the Company that defines the guidelines and identifies control activities in such a way that its principles cannot be violated unless its provisions are fraudulently circumvented.
As a result, the Model:

  • analyses the activities within the scope of which the offences specifically indicated’ in the decree can be committed (predicate offences);
  • defines the possible offences relevant to the ’company activity, identified from among the predicate offences
  • provides for specific preventive checks;
  • identifies the company management methods suitable for preventing each offence from being committed;
  • introduces a disciplinary system to sanction non-compliance with the included measures.

The ’task of supervising the’adequacy of the Model, its updating and its effectiveness is entrusted, in accordance with the regulations, to a Supervisory “Body, an” independent body appointed for this purpose by the Board of Directors.
In order to allow the Supervisory’ Body to carry out its activities regularly, the Model also defines the obligations to provide it with information.
The Model was adopted by resolution of the Board of Directors on 17 September 2019 and will be periodically updated to implement organisational and process changes as well as the new types of offences that may subsequently modify the’area of application of Legislative Decree 231/2001.

On 17 September 2019, the Board of Directors of T.P.S. S.p.A. has appointed Dr. Roberto Beltrami as Monocratic Supervisory Body pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001.
2024-TPSGROUP-Modello Organizzativo-Parte Speciale_EN.pdf 1.89MB Download
2024-TPSGROUP-Modello Organizzativo-Parte Generale_EN.pdf 1.87MB Download
Anyone - employees, customers, stakeholders and third parties - who is witness to irregular behaviour or behaviour in any case in breach of the Code of Ethics, or of the Organisational Model, pursuant to Lgs. Decree 231/01 in force at T.P.S. S.p.A. or any other unlawful deed, including those set down in directive EU 2019/1937 transposed to Italian law with Lgs. Decree No. 24 10/03/2023, introduced by people operating within T.P.S. S.p.A., has the possibility to forward a report through the channel managed by the TPS Group.

Consistently with legal requirements, this report may thus be sent in confidence and anonymously, using the relevant online platform set up for this purpose.

It is possibleto use this specific channel, as indicated in the Procedure for report management, shown in the footer, to report possible cases of corruption, fraud, unlawful appropriation, tax evasion, breach of human rights, breach of antitrust laws and capital markets, regulations on insider trading, data protection laws, and other breaches of the Code of Conduct.

Before a report can be entered, the whistleblower is invited to view the Policy Statement for the processing of personal data, specifically referred to this particular situation.

Data Processing Policy

Below it is also possible to access the aforementioned Procedure to manage reports, which includes the link to the relevant IT portal.

Whistleblowing procedure

Data Protection Policy_EN.pdf 86.94KB Download
TPS Group - WB procedure - rev.02_EN.pdf 313.92KB Download
2024 04 15 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 654.41KB Download
2024 04 08 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 654.69KB Download
2024 04 02 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 652.16KB Download
2024 03 26 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 653.95KB Download
2024 03 18 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 654.29KB Download
2024 03 11 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 653.88KB Download
2024 02 26 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 658.05KB Download
2024 02 19 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 655.30KB Download
2024 02 12 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 657.14KB Download
2024 02 05 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 662.05KB Download
2024 01 29 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 656.35KB Download
2024 01 22 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 655.72KB Download
2024 01 15 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 659.06KB Download
2024 01 08 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 658.40KB Download
2024 01 02 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 651.79KB Download
2023 12 27 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 653.94KB Download
2023 12 18 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 654.06KB Download
2023 12 11 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 652.19KB Download
2023 12 04 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 653.29KB Download
2023 11 27 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 654.62KB Download
2023 11 20 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 652.46KB Download
2023 11 13 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 653.55KB Download
2023 11 06 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 651.77KB Download
2023 10 30 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 658.61KB Download
2023 10 23 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 654.67KB Download
2023 10 16 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 663.37KB Download
2023 10 09 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 654.29KB Download
2023 10 02 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 652.67KB Download
2023 09 25 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 651.98KB Download
2023 09 18 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 625.01KB Download
2023 09 11 TPS Statement treasury stock buyback.pdf 444.58KB Download

Investor Relations

2024 09 23 TPS Approves consolidated financial report at 30 06 2024.pdf 765.42KB Download
2024 05 15 TPS Group attends TP ICAP MIDCAP.pdf 420.13KB Download
2024 04 29 TPS Approves the financial statement 2023_Amendments articles of association.pdf 481.31KB Download
2024 04 11 TPS Publication of the notice General Meeting 29 april 2024.pdf 298.28KB Download
2024 03 26 TPS Board of Directors approves Draft Financial Statement 2023.pdf 813.60KB Download
2024 03 26 TPS Board of Directors approves Sustainability report 2023.pdf 500.05KB Download
2024 03 26 TPS Board of Directors approves Independent Policy.pdf 428.13KB Download
2024 01 29 TPS Corporate Events Calendar 2024.pdf 391.11KB Download
2023 09 22 TPS Approves consolidated financial report at 30 06 2023.pdf 832.15KB Download
2023 06 29 TPS Start the Treasury stock buy back programme.pdf 461.40KB Download
2023 06 15 TPS Group purchases 100% HB Technology.pdf 424.66KB Download
2023 05 08 TPS Deposit of minutes of meeting.pdf 163.86KB Download
2023 05 05 TPS Appoints the CEO and verifies requisites of indipendence.pdf 129.72KB Download
2023 04 28 TPS Approves the financial statement 2022_Appoints CdA and Statutory Auditors_ Authorises Buyback.pdf 199.02KB Download
2023 04 21 TPS Submission of Lists General Meeting 28_29 april 2023.pdf 128.66KB Download
2023 04 13 TPS Publication of the notice General Meeting 28 april 2023.pdf 148.03KB Download
2023 03 24 TPS Board of Directors approves the draft financial statement 2022.pdf 315.50KB Download
2023 03 24 TPS Board of Directors approves the 2022 sustainability report.pdf 174.63KB Download
2023 01 27 TPS Corporate events calendar 2023.pdf 458.21KB Download
2023 01 19 TPS appoints New Specialist.pdf 389.73KB Download
2023 01 16 TPS Resignation of Statutory Auditor.pdf 393.31KB Download
2022 09 21 TPS approves consolidated financial report at 30 06 2022.pdf 762.62KB Download
2022 04 27 TPS Approves Financial Statement 2021.pdf 547.31KB Download
2022 04 12 TPS Publication of the notice General Meeting 27 april 2022.pdf 358.71KB Download
2002 03 25 TPS Board of Directors approves 2021 sustainability report.pdf 499.15KB Download
2022 03 25 TPS Board of Directors approves the draft financial statements 2021.pdf 831.45KB Download
2022 01 27 TPS Calendar events 2022.pdf 388.28KB Download
2021 09 20 TPS Approves consolidated financial report at 30.06.2021.pdf 765.39KB Download
2021 07 21 TPS Group Revenues up 15% in the first half year 2021.pdf 418.14KB Download
2021 07 14 TPS obtains the ISO 27001 CERTIFICATION.pdf 417.51KB Download
2021 07 05 TPS Group purchases 80% of Air Support International.pdf 433.48KB Download
2021 05 21 TPS Aim Italia Conference 2021.pdf 422.09KB Download
2021 05 03 TPS Deposit of the minutes of the meeting 26 04 2021.pdf 420.08KB Download
2021 04 27 TPS New Board Member appointed.pdf 424.25KB Download
2021 04 26 TPS Approves Financial Statement 2020 and Amendments articles of association.pdf 545.41KB Download
2021 04 08 TPS Publication of the notice General Meeting 26 april 2021.pdf 294.73KB Download
2021 04 06 TPS Board Member resignation.pdf 422.05KB Download
2021 03 25 TPS Group Board approves the First Sustainability Report.pdf 499.44KB Download
2021 03 25 TPS Board of Directors approves the draft financial statements 2020.pdf 828.26KB Download
2021 02 05 TPS Completed Merger Through Incorporation 2021 .pdf 489.30KB Download
2021 01 26 TPS Merger by incorporation.pdf 424.44KB Download
2020 12 22 TPS Calendar events 2021.pdf 390.37KB Download
2020 11 19 TPS Deposit CDA Merger by incorporation.pdf 394.25KB Download
2020 11 05 TPS CDA Approved Merger by incorporation 2020.pdf 426.84KB Download
2020 10 28 TPS Group Partnerships Changfa.pdf 395.89KB Download
2020 10 02 TPS Deposit Merger trough incorporation.pdf 425.87KB Download
2020 09 25 TPS _Merger Announcement.pdf 431.26KB Download
2020 09 18 Tps approved Consolidated Financial Report June 2020.pdf 1.22MB Download
2020 06 29 TPS Group Change Share Capital.pdf 389.05KB Download
2020 06 16 TPS Group results the third and last period Warrant.pdf 388.27KB Download
2020 05 25 TPS Group opening third exercise warrant.pdf 390.06KB Download
2020 05 22 TPS attends The Virtual Aim Conference.pdf 384.43KB Download
2020 04 29 TPS Deposit of the minutes of the meeting 24 04 2020.pdf 411.99KB Download
2020 04 24 TPS Approves financial statements 2019 and appoints new board of directors and board of statutory auditors.pdf 430.09KB Download
2020 04 17 TPS Submission of Lists - General Meeting 24_27 April 2020.pdf 279.73KB Download
2020 04 07 TPS Publication of the notice General Meeting 24 april 2020.pdf 369.69KB Download
2020 03 24 TPS GROUP STRONG GROWTH FOR 2019.pdf 404.12KB Download
2020 02 28 TPS Group appoints new specialist.pdf 381.93KB Download
2020 02 10 TPS Group Revenues 2019.pdf 388.06KB Download
2020 01 15 TPS Board of Directors decides to adopt IAS_IFRS accounting principles.pdf 380.13KB Download
2020 01 15 TPS Calendar events 2020.pdf 382.23KB Download
2019 12 23 TPS Completed Merger Through Incorporation ICB.pdf 411.32KB Download
2019 12 17 TPS Merger Through incorporation ICB.pdf 415.77KB Download
2019 10 23 TPS New relevant shareholder.pdf 162.80KB Download
2019 10 17 TPS sent to Consob Scheda KID.pdf 412.90KB Download
2019 10 17 TPS AIM ITALIA & CONFERENCE 21 OCTOBER.pdf 411.05KB Download
2019 09 30 TPS Group Acquires E.M.T.B..pdf 418.38KB Download
2019 09 23 TPS Group Adoption Mod.231.pdf 413.21KB Download
2019_09_17 TPS Group results the first semester 2019.pdf 777.48KB Download
2019 07 31 TPS Lodged Cda approved Incorporation between ICB and TPS.pdf 414.15KB Download
2019 07 16 New Board Member appointed.pdf 415.17KB Download
2019 07 12 TPS Group board member resignation.pdf 411.07KB Download
2019 07 04 TPS Group Changes Share Capital.pdf 393.38KB Download
2019 06 28 TPS Merger by incorporation of ICB art. 2505 cc.pdf 413.75KB Download
2019 06 19 TPS Deposit Incorporation ICB.pdf 415.60KB Download
2019 06 05 TPS Merger by incorporation of ICB.pdf 423.05KB Download
2019 05 28 TPS Group - THE SECOND EXERCISE PERIOD WARRANT.pdf 388.24KB Download
2019 05 22 TPS Group AIM Conference Milano..pdf 94.24KB Download
2019 04 29 TPS Deposit of minutes of the meeting.pdf 98.21KB Download
2019 04 19 TPS Group approves the financial statement 2018.pdf 124.38KB Download
2019 04 10 TPS Group Investor Day Integrae...pdf 93.91KB Download
2019 04 02 TPS Publication notice convening meeting .pdf 506.09KB Download
2019 03 29 TPS Group - Dead Pixels.pdf 299.73KB Download
2019 03 19 TPS Group continues on its growth pathway in 2018 Revenue at +26%.pdf 161.26KB Download
2019 02 04 TPS Updated Capital following the capital increase.pdf 105.92KB Download
2019 02 04 TPS Group earnings up in 2018.pdf 98.10KB Download
2019 01 31 TPS Sharehorders Meeting appoint two new members of the Board Directors.pdf 102.14KB Download
2019 01 14 TPS The Board of Directors proposes an increase number members .pdf 157.07KB Download
2019 01 14 - TPS Calendar of COMPANY EVENTS 2019.pdf 99.55KB Download
2018 11 29 TPS Capital increase on option.pdf 124.93KB Download
2018 11 19 TPS Changes in Share Capital.pdf 110.79KB Download
2018 11 09 TPS Results for the Offer post exercise pre emption rights.pdf 99.39KB Download
2018 11 07 TPS - Obligations Board of Directors to art. 2343-quater.pdf 120.72KB Download
2018 11 06 TPS Capital increase offer concluded.pdf 123.48KB Download
2018 10 29 TPS Strike price adjustment Warrant 2017 2020.pdf 122.49KB Download
2018 10 19 AIM Conference Londra 22 october 2018.pdf 99.80KB Download
2018 10 15 KID for The Option Rights.pdf 102.78KB Download
2018 10 11 TPS Lodged the Notice Rights Issue.pdf 111.06KB Download
2018 10 10 TPS Final conditions Capital Increase.pdf 115.48KB Download
2018 10 08 TPS Register Extraordinary Meeting 05_10_2018.pdf 103.29KB Download
2018 10 05 TPS Extraordinary shareholders meeting.pdf 133.31KB Download
2018 09 20 TPS Publication notice convening extraordinary meeting_.pdf 117.15KB Download
2018 09 17 TPS Group extraordinary operation and increase capital.pdf 229.65KB Download
2018 09 17 TPS Group -Report consolidated first semester 2018.pdf 207.19KB Download
2018 09 04 TPS Group Update calendar 2018.pdf 93.98KB Download
2018 07 05 TPS Group Changes in Share Capital.pdf 101.55KB Download
2018 06 15 TPS Group Results for the First Period Warrant.pdf 300.82KB Download
2018 05 28 TPS Group - WARRANT .pdf 98.51KB Download
2018 05 07 TPS Group SME Capital meets Virtuos AIMS.pdf 99.89KB Download
2018 04 16 TPS Group The Meeting approves Financial Statement 2017.pdf 104.17KB Download
2018 03 29 TPS Publication of notice General Meeting.pdf 115.71KB Download
2018 03 16 TPS Group The Board of Directors approved Financial Statement 2017.pdf 288.01KB Download
2018 02 22 SK KID EN.pdf 120.84KB Download
2018 01 25 - Calendar events 2018_EN.pdf 95.41KB Download
2017 12 15 TPS - Stock in Neos s.r.l. rises to 100% .pdf 95.78KB Download
2017 12 07 TPS - CS TPS Aerospace_EN.pdf 95.03KB Download
2017 10 04 TPS - CS AIM Italia Conference_EN.pdf 94.88KB Download
2017 09 27 TPS Group present its strategic guidelines and outlook 2017 .pdf 97.40KB Download
2017 09 18 TPS The Board of Directors approved the first semester 2017.pdf 200.82KB Download
2017_07_04_TPS_Finalised purchased Stemar Consulting.pdf 351.73KB Download
2017_06_22_TPS Purchased Stemar Consulting.pdf 358.38KB Download
2017_06_12_TPS Purchased ICB srl.pdf 355.85KB Download
2017_06_06_TPS Achivies Innovative SME.pdf 365.73KB Download
2017_05_18_TPS_-_CS_ACQUISITION_ENG.pdf 352.41KB Download
2017_05_16_TPS Deposit of minutes of the meeting.pdf 349.65KB Download
2017_05_10_TPS The meeting approves the Financial Statement 2016.pdf 361.12KB Download
2017_04_07_TPS The Board of Directors approved the Financial Statement 2016.pdf 465.61KB Download
2017_03_29_TPS Calendar of Events 2017.pdf 348.83KB Download
2017_03_28_TPS The First Day .pdf 359.45KB Download
2017_03_27_TPS Admission to AIM Italy.pdf 582.18KB Download

Financial calendar 2024

26 march 2024 Board of Directors
Approval of the consolidated balance sheet and presentation of the draft financial statements as at 31 December 2023

29 april 2024 Ordinary Meeting
Approval of financial statements as at 31 December 2023. Presentation of consolidated financial statement.

23 September 2024 Board of Directors
Approval of six-monthly consolidated financial report at 30 June 2024

23B Relazione societa' di revisione semestrale consolidata 2024.pdf 232.22KB Download
23A Relazione semestrale consolidata 2024 Gruppo TPS.pdf 8.14MB Download
22D Relazione società di revisione bilancio consolidato 2023.pdf 281.72KB Download
22C Relazione società di revisione bilancio separato 2023.pdf 267.96KB Download
22B Relazione collegio sindacale bilancio separato 2023.pdf 172.02KB Download
22A Bilancio separato TPS e Bilancio consolidato 2023.pdf 9.11MB Download
21A Relazione società di revisione semestrale consolidata 2023.pdf 232.37KB Download
20A Relazione semestrale consolidata 2023 Gruppo TPS.pdf 7.95MB Download
19D Relazione società di revisione bilancio consolidato 2022.pdf 275.70KB Download
19C Relazione società di revisione bilancio separato 2022.pdf 257.87KB Download
19B Relazione collegio sindacale bilancio separato 2022.pdf 184.96KB Download
19A Bilancio separato TPS e Bilancio consolidato 2022.pdf 4.68MB Download
18B Relazione società di revisione semestrale consolidata 2022.pdf 248.53KB Download
18A Relazione Semestrale consolidata 2022 Gruppo TPS.pdf 11.34MB Download
17D Relazione collegio sindacale bilancio d'esercizio 2021.pdf 127.73KB Download
17C Relazione società di revisione bilancio consolidato 2021.pdf 281.22KB Download
17B Relazione società di revisione bilancio d'esercizio 2021.pdf 361.72KB Download
17A Bilancio d'esercizio TPS e Bilancio consolidato 2021.pdf 6.95MB Download
16B Relazione societa revisione semestrale 2021.pdf 241.40KB Download
16A Relazione semestrale consolidata 2021 Gruppo TPS .pdf 2.15MB Download
15D Relazione collegio sindacale bilancio d'esercizio 2020.pdf 182.89KB Download
15C Relazione società di revisione bilancio consolidato 2020.pdf 239.05KB Download
15B Relazione società di revisione bilancio d'esercizio 2020.pdf 290.49KB Download
15A Bilancio d'esercizio TPS e Bilancio consolidato 2020.pdf 750.02KB Download
14B Relazione societa revisione semestrale 2020.pdf 146.79KB Download
14A Relazione semestrale consolidata 2020 Gruppo TPS.pdf 2.26MB Download
13D Relazione collegio sindacale bilancio d'esercizio 2019.pdf 2.89MB Download
13C Relazione società di revisione bilancio consolidato 2019.pdf 228.90KB Download
13B Relazione società di revisione bilancio d'esercizio 2019.pdf 216.59KB Download
13A Bilancio d'esercizio TPS e Bilancio Consolidato 2019.pdf 4.05MB Download
12 D Relazione società di revisione semestrale 2019 Gruppo TPS.pdf 159.46KB Download
12C Relazione finanziaria semestrale consolidata 2019 Gruppo TPS .pdf 1.64MB Download
12B Relazione società di revisione bilancio consolidato 2018.pdf 223.65KB Download
12A Bilancio consolidato al 31 12 2018 .pdf 3.32MB Download
11C_ Relazione collegio sindacale bilancio di esercizio 2018.pdf 136.14KB Download
11B_Relazione società di revisione bilancio di esercizio 2018.pdf 248.49KB Download
11A Bilancio d'esercizio al 31 12 2018 .pdf 3.73MB Download
10A Relazione finanziaria semestrale consolidata 2018 Gruppo TPS.pdf 1.01MB Download
9B Relazioni societa di revisione bilancio consolidato 2017.pdf 181.98KB Download
9A_Bilancio_Consolidato_al_31_12_2017.pdf 258.86KB Download
8C Relazione Collegio Sindacale Bilancio d'esercizio 2017 .pdf 220.45KB Download
8B Relazione societa di revisione bilancio al 31.12.2017.pdf 203.44KB Download
8A Bilancio d'esercizio al 31 12 2017 .pdf 510.85KB Download
7A _Relazione finanziaria semestrale consolidata 2017 e relazione società di revisione.pdf 2.28MB Download
6B Relazione società di revisione bilancio consolidato 2016.pdf 365.75KB Download
6A Bilancio consolidato al 31dicembre 2016.pdf 1.89MB Download
5C_Relazionesocietdirevisionebilanciodiesercizio2016.pdf 413.79KB Download
5B_Relazionecollegiosindacalealbilanciodiesercizio2016.pdf 206.83KB Download
5A_Bilanciodiesercizioal31dicembre2016.pdf 1.88MB Download
4B_Relazionedellasocietdirevisioneallarelazionefinanziariasemestraleconsolidataal30giugno2016.pdf 317.70KB Download
4A_Relazionefinanziariasemestraleconsolidataal30giugno2016.pdf 1.86MB Download
3B_Relazionedellasocietdirevisioneallarelazionefinanziariaal30giugno2016.pdf 289.37KB Download
3A_Relazionefinanziariasemestraleal30giugno2016.pdf 1.45MB Download
2BRelazionealbilancioconsolidatoproformaal31dicembre2015positiveassurance.pdf 481.97KB Download
2A_Bilancioconsolidatoproformaal31dicembre2015.pdf 1.29MB Download
1B_Relazionealbilanciodiesercizioal31.12.2015emessa21.4.2016.pdf 444.80KB Download
1A_Bilanciodiesercizioal31dicembre2015.pdf 906.57KB Download
TPS GROUP Bilancio Sostenibilita 2023.pdf 16.19MB Download
TPS GROUP Bilancio Sostenibilità 2022.pdf 13.55MB Download
TPS GROUP Bilancio Sostenibilità 2021.pdf 10.98MB Download
TPS GROUP Bilancio Sostenibilità 2020 .pdf 9.06MB Download
Verbale Assemblea TPS S.p.a. 29 04 2024 .pdf 736.81KB Download
TPS Modulo di delega Assemblea 29 04 2024.pdf 226.31KB Download
TPS Relazione Illustrativa Assemblea degli Azionisti 29 04 2024.pdf 663.68KB Download
TPS Convocazione Assemblea degli Azionisti 29 aprile 2024.pdf 272.50KB Download
Verbale assemblea TPS S.p.a. 28 04 2023..pdf 453.85KB Download
Lista Candidati CdA e Collegio Sindacale Assemblea 28_29 aprile 2023.pdf 2.34MB Download
TPS - Relazione Illustrativa Assemblea degli Azionisti 28 04 2023.pdf 454.23KB Download
TPS Modulo delega Assemblea 28 04 2023.pdf 291.94KB Download
TPS Convocazione Assemblea degli Azionisti 28 04 2023.pdf 375.24KB Download
TPS Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria 27 04 2022.pdf 461.26KB Download
TPS Relazione Amministratori Assemblea 27 04 2022.pdf 395.60KB Download
TPS Modulo delega Assemblea 27 04 2022.pdf 291.14KB Download
TPS Convocazione Assemblea Azionisti 27 04 2022.pdf 274.09KB Download
TPS Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria 26 04 2021.pdf 134.55KB Download
TPS Relazione Amministratori Assemblea Azionisti 26_29 aprile 2021.pdf 212.86KB Download
TPS Modulo delega Assemblea 26 04 2021.pdf 291.72KB Download
TPS Convocazione Assemblea Azionisti 26_04_2021.pdf 370.55KB Download
TPS Progetto comune di fusione per incorporazione 2020.pdf 2.22MB Download
BILANCIO 2019 TPS S.P.A..pdf 3.38MB Download
BILANCIO 2018 TPS S.PA..pdf 3.73MB Download
BILANCIO 2017 TPS S.P.A..pdf 510.85KB Download
BILANCIO 2019 ADRIATECH S.R.L..pdf 71.59KB Download
BILANCIO 2018 ADRIATECH S.R.L..pdf 56.46KB Download
BILANCIO 2017 ADRIATECH S.R.L..pdf 75.79KB Download
BILANCIO 2019 NEOS S.R.L..pdf 80.41KB Download
BILANCIO 2018 NEOS S.R.L..pdf 75.78KB Download
BILANCIO 2017 NEOS S.R.L..pdf 68.00KB Download
TPS Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria 24 04 2020.pdf 434.99KB Download
Lista Candidati_Assemblea 24_27 aprile 2020.pdf 1.97MB Download
TPS Relazione Amministratori Assemblea Azionisti (24_27 Aprile 2020).pdf 448.36KB Download
TPS Modulo delega Assemblea ordinaria 24 aprile 2020.pdf 290.94KB Download
TPS Convocazione Assemblea azionisti 24 aprile 2020.pdf 377.62KB Download
Progetto di fusione ICB s.r.l. in TPS S.p.A..pdf 1.25MB Download
BILANCIO TPS SPA 2016.pdf 1.88MB Download
BILANCIO TPS SPA 2017.pdf 510.85KB Download
BILANCIO TPS SPA 2018.pdf 3.73MB Download
BILANCIO ICB SRL 2016.pdf 804.90KB Download
BILANCIO ICB SRL 2017.pdf 54.98KB Download
BILANCIO ICB SRL 2018.pdf 74.35KB Download
TPS - Dichiarazione Amministratore Indipendente Stefano Pedrini.pdf 124.30KB Download
Curriculum Vitae Stefano Pedrini.pdf 84.28KB Download
TPS - Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria 19 aprile 2019.pdf 145.03KB Download
Relazione Amministratori Assemblea Azionisti (19_22 aprile 2019).pdf 130.38KB Download
TPS Modulo delega assemblea ordinaria 19 aprile 2019.pdf 97.13KB Download
Convocazione Assemblea azionisti 19 04 2019.pdf 278.17KB Download
TPS - Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria 31 01 2019 .pdf 151.69KB Download
Curriculum Vitae Francesco Brioschi.pdf 58.88KB Download
Dichiarazione accettazione carica Francesco Brioschi.pdf 60.84KB Download
Curriculum Vitae Andrea Faraggiana.pdf 75.31KB Download
Dichiarazione accettazione carica Andrea Faraggiana.pdf 58.16KB Download
Relazione Amministratori Assemblea Azionisti (31 gennaio 2019).pdf 160.27KB Download
TPS Modulo Delega Assemblea Ordinaria (31 01 2019).pdf 99.40KB Download
Convocazione Assemblea azionisti 31 01 2019 .pdf 92.80KB Download
SCHEDA KID WARRANT_IT0005246225_TPSGroupSpA 05 11 2018.pdf 101.95KB Download
Q&A Aucap in Opzione_EN.pdf 90.21KB Download
TPS - Modulo di Adesione Offerta in Opzione .pdf 71.54KB Download
TPS Avviso di offerta in opzione.pdf 579.49KB Download
TPS - Verbale Assemblea straordinaria 5 ottobre 2018.pdf 4.53MB Download
TPS - Modulo Delega assemblea azionisti 05_08 ottobre 2018.pdf 106.25KB Download
TPS - Documento informativo 24.09.pdf 841.84KB Download
Relazione Illustrativa Amministratori (assemblea 05 e 08 ottobre 2018) .pdf 239.96KB Download
TPS Parere Collegio Sindacale .pdf 427.30KB Download
Convocazione Assemblea Azionisti 05 10 2018.pdf 92.20KB Download
[TPS] - Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria 16 04 2018 Bilancio 2017.pdf 102.23KB Download
Convocazione Assemblea Azionisti 16_04_2018.pdf 78.20KB Download
TPS - Modulo Delega Assemblea Ordinaria (16_17 aprile 2018).pdf 91.11KB Download
Relazione Amministratori Assemblea Azionisti (16_17 aprile 2018).pdf 106.48KB Download
RelazioneAmministratoriAssembleaAzionisti.pdf 104.96KB Download
Convocazioneassembleaordinaria10_05_2017.pdf 433.53KB Download
ModuloDelegaAssembleaOrdinaria.pdf 91.11KB Download
TPS-VerbaleAssembleaOrdinaria10maggio2017.pdf 109.65KB Download


Euronext Growth Advisor: Integrae SIM S.p.A.
Legal Advisor: Associated Legal Firm in association with Simmons & Simmons LLP
Auditing Firm: Audirevi S.p.A.
Specialist: MIT SIM S.p.A.
Divulging of the regulated information:
The company avails of the SDIR circuit managed by Computershare S.p.A. with registered offices in via Lorenzo Mascheroni, no. 19, Milan.

Financial instruments:

Total ordinary shares: 7.259.860

Stock Exchange Data:

• Equity stock code: TPS
• ISIN Code shares: IT0005246142
• Market : AIM Italia

Share capital and share ownership

The subscribed and paid up share capital is €1.613.910,00 comprised of no. 7.259.860 ordinary shares.
The table below illustrates the makeup of the company:

Shareholders No Shares %
G&D S.r.l. 4.750.000 65,43%
Anguillesi Massimiliano 254.000 3,5%
Value First SICAF S.p.A. 705.000 9,71%
Sofia Holding S.r.l. 363.000 5%
Other shareholders 1.187.860 16,36%
Total 7.259.860 100%

Obligations of the Significant Shareholders

As set forth in the Regulations of the Issuers AIM Italia and TPS S.p.A. (the “Company”) must promptly communicate and make available to the public any Substantial Change communicated by the Significant Shareholders concerning ownership structure. By “Significant Shareholder” we mean anyone that holds at least 5% of the category of financial instruments of the Company.
Going over the 5% threshold and reaching or going over the thresholds of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, 66.6%, 75%, 90% and 95% constitutes, as set forth in the Transparency Regulations, a “Substantial Change” which the Significant Shareholders must communicate, as set forth in art. 12 of the Company Bylaws, to the Company’s Administrative Body.
To this regard, in five days of negotiation starting from the day that the transaction entailing the Substantial Change was performed, each Significant Shareholder must notify the Company of the following information:
who the Significant Shareholders involved are;
the date that the Substantial Change in the shares took place;
the price, the total, and the category of financial instruments of the Companies involved;
the nature of the transaction;
the nature and the amount of the share of the Significant Shareholder in the transaction.
This communication may be made using the designated form attached below, sent in advance by email to the address or by fax to the no. 0331.771107 and then sent in original by registered mail with return receipt to the Company.

SCHEDA KID WARRANT_IT0005246225_TPS Group SpA 17 10 2019.pdf 102.33KB Download
SCHEDA KID WARRANT_IT0005246225_TPSGroupSpA 05 11 2018.pdf 101.95KB Download
SCHEDA KID WARRANT_IT0005246225_TPSGroupSpA 03 01 2018.PDF 101.70KB Download
TPS-Modulocomunicazionecambiamentosostanziale.pdf 57.65KB Download


To be able to access this section of the website you must read and accept the information given below, that the reader must carefully assess before reading, accessing, or using the information provided below in any other way. By accessing this section of the website, you agree to be subject to the terms and conditions hereafter, which may be modified or updated (and, for this reason, must be read completely every time that you access it).

The admission document posted on this section of the website (“Admission Document”) was drawn up in compliance with the issuer regulations of AIM Italia / Mercato Alternativo del Capitale (“AIM Issuer Regulations”) for the purposes of admission of the ordinary shares and the warrants called “Warrant TPS 2017-2020” (jointly, the “Financial Instruments”) of TPS S.p.A. (the “Company”) on this multilateral system of negotiation organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.

The issuance of financial instruments contemplated in the Admission Document and any other information on these pages shall not constitute a “public offer” as defined by Legislative Decree 24 February 1998, no. 58 (“TUF”), and therefore drawing up a prospectus according to the models required by Community Regulation 809/2004/EC isn’t necessary. The Admission Document therefore shall not constitute a prospectus and publication needn’t be authorized by CONSOB as set forth in Community Directive no. 2003/71/EC or any other standard or regulation governing drawing up and publishing of financial prospectuses as set forth in article 94 and 113 of Legislative Decree 24 February 1998, no. 58 TUF, including the issuer regulations adopted by CONSOB with resolution no.11971 of 14 May 1999 and as amended and supplemented. The information on this section of the website is divulged in compliance with articles 17 and 26 of the AIM Issuer Regulations.

This section of the website, the Admission Document, and any other information on the pages below is accessible only to parties that: (i) reside in Italy and are neither domiciled nor in any event are currently in the United States of America, Australia, Japan, Canada, or in any other country where the divulgence of the Admission Document and/or such information requires the approval of the competent local authorities or breaks local laws or regulations (“Other Countries”); and (ii) are not “U.S. Persons”, according to the definition in Regulation S of the United States Securities Act of 1933 and as amended, nor are parties that act on their behalf or to their benefit without the existence of a designated registration or a specific exemption to registration required as set forth in the United States Securities Act and the current legislation.

The “U.S. Persons” in the sense indicated above are barred from any access to this section of the website, downloads, memorization and/or temporary or permanent saving of the Admission Document and any other information on this section of the website. The information on this section of the website may not be copied or sent. For no reason and under no circumstances shall it be allowed to send—either directly or through third parties—the Admission Document or any other information on this section of the website to parties in the conditions under points (i) and (ii) of the paragraph above, and specifically, in the United States, Australia, Japan, Canada, or the Other Countries.

The information on this website (or on any other website that this website has hyperlinks to) shall not constitute an offer, invitation to offer, or promotional activity for the Financial Instruments for any citizen or party residing in the United States, Australia, Japan, Canada, or the Other Countries. Moreover, the Financial Instruments of the Company are not—nor shall they be—registered as set forth in the United States Securities Act of 1983 and as amended, or with any other regulation authority of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States and shall not be offered or sold in the United States or to, or on behalf or benefit of, a “U.S. Person” as defined herein, in the absence of the abovesaid registration or express exemption from this obligation, or in Australia, Japan, Canada, or in Other Countries.

Regulation S of the United States Securities Act of 1933 and as amended defines a “U.S. Person“ as: (a)any natural person residing in the United States; b) “partnerships” and “corporations” incorporated and organized according to the current legislation in the United States; (c) any property whose administrators or managers are a “U.S. Person“; (d) the trusts whose trustees are a “U.S. Person“; (e) any agency or branch of a party seated in the United States; (f) (“non-discretionary accounts“); (g) other similar accounts (except for property or trusts), managed or administered in trust on behalf of or to the benefit of a “U.S. Person“; (h) “partnerships” and “corporations” if (i) incorporated and organized according to the laws of any foreign jurisdiction; and (ii) incorporated by a “U.S. Person” with the main objective of investing in securities not registered as set forth in the United States Securities Act of 1933 and as amended unless they were incorporated or organized and held by accredited investors (according to the definition in Rule 501(a) of the United States Securities Act of 1933) that are not natural persons, property, or trusts.

To access this section of the website, the Admission Document, and any other information on the following pages, I state, under my full responsibility, to be a resident in Italy and neither to be domiciled nor to currently be in the United States, Australia, Japan, Canada, or the Other Countries, and not to be a “U.S. Person” as defined in Regulation S of the United States Securities Act del 1933 and as amended.

TPS-RegolamentoWarrant.pdf 84.75KB Download
TPS-DocumentoAmmissioneAIM.pdf 1.46MB Download
TPS Investor Presentation ottobre 2024.pdf 1,022.94KB Download
TPS Investor Presentation MIDCAP Conference 2024.pdf 3.94MB Download
TPS Investor Presentation 13 07 2023.pdf 8.91MB Download
TPS Euronext Growth Conference 26 05 2022.pdf 1.28MB Download
TPS Aim Italia Conference 25 05 2021.pdf 1.31MB Download
TPS_Investor Presentation Next Gems Nov 2020.pdf 2.06MB Download
TPS_Investor Presentation 30.09.2020 .pdf 307.55KB Download
TPS AIM Italia Conference 25 05 2020.pdf 392.10KB Download
TPS AIM Conference Londra 21 10 2019.pdf 316.12KB Download
TPS Milano 27 05 2019 - AIM Conference.pdf 39.33MB Download
TPS Milano Investor day 16 04 2019.pdf 612.62KB Download
TPS London 22 10 2018.pdf 2.26MB Download
TPS Milano 01 10 2018.pdf 2.26MB Download
TPS FYH17 Torino 17.05.2018.pdf 820.20KB Download
TPS FYH17 Milano 8.05.2018 .pdf 661.91KB Download
TPS_GROUP_INVESTOR_PRESENTATION-26_09-2017.pdf 1.73MB Download
TPS Company Update Value Track 04 10 2024.pdf 547.99KB Download
TPS Investor meetings flash note 28 06 2024.pdf 284.31KB Download
TPS Company Update Value Track 18 04 2024 .pdf 574.65KB Download
TPS Company Update Value Track 28 09 2023.pdf 579.96KB Download
TPS Flash M&A 06 2023.pdf 444.57KB Download
TPS Company Update Value Track 10.05.23.pdf 1.33MB Download
TPS Company Update_Banca Profilo 10.10.2022.pdf 864.03KB Download
TPS Company Update_Banca Profilo 27.04.2022.pdf 777.30KB Download
TPS Company Update_Banca Profilo 13.10.2021.pdf 884.65KB Download
TPS Company Update_ Banca Profilo 30.04.2021.pdf 974.30KB Download
TPS Company Update_Banca Profilo 29.09.2020.pdf 976.83KB Download
TPS Initial Coverage_Banca Profilo 04.06.2020.pdf 1.20MB Download
STUDI TPS Group 08.05.2020.pdf 1,021.89KB Download
STUDI TPS Group 10.02.2020.pdf 332.07KB Download
STUDI TPS Group 20.09.2019.pdf 1.97MB Download
STUDI TPS Group 09.04.2019.pdf 439.00KB Download
STUDI TPS Group 20.09.2018.pdf 634.35KB Download
STUDI TPS Group 13.04.2018.pdf 237.78KB Download
STUDI TPS Group 26.09.2017.pdf 346.02KB Download

Rossella Sanna
Tel. 011 0050902


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